Our Mass Schedule

Saturday Vigil: 5:15pm
Sunday: 7:30am, 9:30am* and 11:30am
6pm Sunday Mass(Celebrated only the 2nd Sunday in September through the 3rd Sunday in May)
*Childrens Liturgy of the Word

Holy Days: Please check our Sunday Bulletin for mass times

Daily: Monday – Friday: 9:00 am

Saturday: 4:00 pm until 5:00 pm.

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St. Ignatius of Antioch Parish will be participating in a parish survey about discipleship conducted by the Catholic
Leadership Institute! We need your help starting ASH WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5th !
Please help us by participating in a 10-15 minute survey online. The survey can be accessed through an online link
from https://portal.catholicleaders.org/dmi/survey/xpa9tx
and will ask you to reflect on your own spiritual growth and enable you to provide feedback on our parish’s efforts to help
you grow.
All responses will be confidential and the parish will only receive information about the community as whole. We are trying to
get the highest response rate possible. This information will be invaluable to Fr. Brownholtz and our various ministries
as we plan for the future and strive to be the best disciples we can be. PLEASE COMPLETE THE SURVEY BY APRIL 24TH. We will
receive the results this spring/summer at which time we will share what we have learned with the entire parish.
Thank you for helping with this important project!

Parish News

Electronic Giving

Parish Giving Parish Giving is the leading provider of secure, user-friendly online giving systems specializing in religious and charitable organizations. St. Ignatius has been very fortunate to have so many parishioners participating in the program. Those participating in online giving have found the program to be more convenient and allows them to maintain full control over their account. As a reminder, you can generate a giving report from the Parish Giving website to view all of your online contributions. Our online giving program is a great success and our hope is that more parishioners will enroll. For those participating in our Parish Giving program, you may print a participation receipt from the parish giving website to place in the weekly collection basket. Thank you all for your generosity towards our parish with your Sunday Gifts! More Info

Rectory Hours

Effective October 15, 2024
New Hours for the Rectory are as follows:
Monday-Thursday: 9am to 4:30pm
Friday: 9am to 4:00pm
Evenings and Weekends: By Appointment

Flock Note

We Love Having You As Part Of The Flock

Keep in touch with Us Via Email and Text!

Flocknote is an email and text messaging tool created for churches, ministries, teams and other community organizations. Flocknote helps us communicate with the people we care about.

More Info
Sign Up Now


Our Adoration Chapel located in the Antioch Center (the old Rectory building), is open and available twenty-four hours every day. Exposition will be held Monday thru Friday from 10 am to 8 pm. If you are interested in becoming part of the Perpetual Adoration team, please contact us. For directions, please click on the directions link in the Contact Information below, contact the rectory at 215-493-3377 ext. 211 or contact Marianne Kloc at 267-346-0152. For information on chapel openings and closings please call 215-550-5638 and listen to the recorded message.

St. Ignatius Grotto Bricks

You can have your name, a family member, or friend (living or deceased) become a permanent part of our parish by having a brick created and installed on the walkway leading to Our Blessed Mother Prayer Grotto.

More Information and Brick Order Form

Archbishop Pérez Pastoral Letter

Archbishop Pérez published a Pastoral Letter on Sunday, January 5th. This letter outlines his hopes for the Church of Philadelphia over the coming years and asks for your help. First, please go to https://trustandhope.org by clicking the link; watching the video and reading the letter from the Archbishop. Then, please feel free to sign up for a nearby Consultation Session to learn more.

You can also read a copy of the letter by clicking on this link: Pastoral Letter

The Catholic Medical Association

CMA is an important and necessary association for those in the healthcare profession, especially in today’s world, and we always look forward to welcoming new members.
For membership information, please visit: www.cathmed.org/membership.

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Parish Giving

- Sign in or Create a new account

- Account not Required

St Ignatius of Antioch has enlisted Parish Giving to provide its members with the opportunity to use Electronic Funds Transfer as an alternative method for giving. At the same time, St. Ignatius of Antioch Parish will benefit from a reliable, more efficient and more convenient means to process the contributions that make it possible to support its mission. On this giving site, you will be able to select from the various opportunities to contribute to our parish and other initiatives such as our annual appeal, Christmas, Easter and Holy Day Collections, as well as second collections that both benefit our parish community and Archdiocesan initiatives.

The Following is an overview of some of the features:

  • Ability to make one-time or annual contributions
  • Ability to make recurring contributions
  • Ability to select your billing date and frequency
  • Ability to use Credit Card or Bank Transfer
  • Ability to access end of year contribution reports
Frequently Asked Questions / How do I?

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Rectory Hours

  • Monday-Thursday: 9am to 4:30pm
    Friday: 9am to 4pm
    Evenings and Weekends: By Appointment

    For an emergency, please call
    215-493-3377 and press “9”
    to speak with a priest.

Social Media

St. Ignatius School

2021 National Blue Ribbon School

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